

真正的原唱是在1972年美國POP歌手Mac Davis所演唱的版本

Mac Davis和齊豫的兩個版本
Mac Davis的版本會聽到很多的爆米花聲音


Whoever Finds This , I Love You (誰撿到這張紙條,我愛你) 
(Original : Mac Davis , 1972) Arranger:Martin Pereira

On the quiet street in the city(在城市中的安靜街道上)
A little old man walked alone(一位老人獨自行走著)
Shuffing through the autumn afternoon(在秋日的午後慢慢前行)
And the autumn leaves reminded him(秋天落葉提醒著他)
Another summer's come and gone(又過了一個夏天)
He had a long long midnight ahead waiting for June(在六月來臨之前,他將有無盡的孤獨長夜)

Then among the leaves near an orphan's home(孤兒院附近的落葉中)
A piece of paper caught his eyes(一張紙條吸引了他的注意)
And he stood to pick it up with trembling hands(他用顫抖的手撿起它)
And as he read the childish writing(他看著紙條上小孩的字跡)
The old man began to cry(老人開始哭了起來)
'Cause the words burned inside him like a brand(因為那文字像烈火般燒痛了他)

' 'Whoever finds this , I love you(誰撿到這張紙條,我愛你)
Whover finds this , I need you(誰撿到這張紙條,我需要你)
I even got no one to talk to(我甚至連一個可以說話的對象也沒有)
So , whoever finds this , I love you '(所以,不管誰撿到這張紙條,我愛你)

Well , the old man's eyes searched the orphan's home(老人望著孤兒院尋找)
And came to rest upon a child(他的視線落在一個小女孩身上)
With her nose pressed up against the window pane(那女孩的臉緊貼著窗戶)
And the old man knew he'd found a friend at last(最後,老人知道他交了一個朋友)
So he waved at her and smiled(他向著小女孩揮手和微笑)
And they both knew they'd spend the winter(他們知道將一起度過這個冬季)
Laughing at the rain(在雨中歡笑著)

And they did spend the winter laughing at the rain ,(他們確實在雨中歡笑著度過冬季)
Talking through the fence ,(隔著籬笆聊天)
Exchanging little gifts they've made for each other.(交換為彼此做的禮物)
The old man would carve toys,(老人刻了玩具)
And the little girl would draw pictures fo beautiful ladies(小女孩為他畫了美麗女仕的圖畫)
And they laughed a lot.(他們開心地笑著)

But then one day, on the first of June,(然而,到了六月的第一天)
The lttle girl ran to the fence -- the old man wasn't there.(小女孩跑向籬笆卻發現老人不在那裡)
And , somehow she knew he was never coming back.(那時她意識到,老人不會再回來了)
So she went back to her lttle room , (所以,她回到她的房間)
took a crayon   And wrote :(拿起蠟筆寫下:)

' 'Whoever finds this , I love you(誰撿到這張紙條,我愛你)
Whover finds this , I need you(誰撿到這張紙條,我需要你)
I even got no one to talk to(我甚至連一個可以說話的對象也沒有)
So , whoever finds this , I love you '(所以,不管誰撿到這張紙條,我愛你)



Scott "Mac" Davis was born Jan. 21, 1942 in Lubbock, Texas. During his early years in the music business, he lived in Atlanta, where he played in a rock & roll band and worked as a regional manager for Vee-Jay Records. Although he had enjoyed a measure of songwriting achievement before, his big breakthrough occurred in 1969-70 when Elvis Presley turned three of his songs-"In The Ghetto," "Memories" and "Don't Cry Daddy"-into pop hits.

Davis followed these successes with "Everything A Man Could Ever Need" (a hit for Glen Campbell), "Something's Burning" (Kenny Rogers & The First Edition), "Watching Scotty Grow" (Bobby Goldsboro) and "I Believe In Music" (Gallery).

In 1972, Davis scored his first No. 1 pop hit as a singer in 1972 with his own composition, "Baby Don't Get Hooked On Me." Over the next several years, he adorned the pop and country charts with such self-penned efforts as "Stop And Smell The Roses," "It's Hard To Be Humble," "Texas In My Rear View Mirror" and "Hooked On Music." From 1974-76, he hosted and starred in his own musical variety series on NBC-TV. He also acted in such movies as North Dallas Forty (1979), Cheaper To Keep Her (1980) and The Sting II (1983). He played the title role in the Broadway production of The Will Rogers Follies.


    Mac Davis 齊豫
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